The Rejection Report
Richard La Ruina (AKA Gambler)
Richard La Ruina, AKA Gambler, is a london-based PUA. His
company, PUA Training is a worldwide leader in seduction
coaching and training. To date, Richard has trained thousands
of men live, in the field, on his bootcamps and has reached
hundreds of thousands more through his newsletter and
home study programs. His paperback book, The Natural Art
of Seduction is an Amazon Best Seller in the UK and he has
made appearances on nearly every major channel in the UK.
Who is 'Gambler'?
99% Of PUA's Fail Because
Consciously or Unconsciously
They Are Afraid Of Rejection….
And the answer the seduction community
has given to them?
"Grow a thick skin….Get Rejected More…Pickup is a
Numbers Game!"
Three years ago I decided to search for a different answer.
I began asking myself a question that would go on to change
the way I played the game forever.
And that question was this:
What if it was possible to seduce the world's hottest women
without even the slightest chance of getting rejected?
This report tells the story of my search for the answer to this
question…my search for the 'holy grail of seduction'…and
reveals for the first time the shocking discoveries that I made
along my journey.
So lock your door, shut off the cell phone, and
read everyword of this report
, because the secrets you are about toabsorb have the power to change your game.
It was early 2007...And I was a
few months into teaching my
infield bootcamps….
The programs were
top-notch.I was teaching guys my most advanced material at the time,
the really powerful stuff that was literally landing modelcaliber
women into my bed nightly.
During the day-time portion of the programs, I would forcefeed
the students my PUA knowledge, and then at night
I'd demonstrate the tactics and techniques in the toughest
scenarios possible: My students would see me open a mixed
five set on the dance floor, pull the hottest girl away for a
make out.
Then afterward, I'd debrief them on what happened, break it
all down for them and then supervise as they went in for their
own sets.
The result?
Student success was phenomenal. Far beyond anything I'd
ever seen or heard about in the community. Each weekend on a
course of 10 guys I'd have one or two guys getting laid, a whole
bunch getting make outs and nearly everyone getting numbers.
But you know what?
To me..
Something Just Didn't Seem Right
Because for every guy that came on the program and got
laid, there were 6 or 7 guys who were just making 'average'
progress and to me, that wasn't enough. So I really started to
think….what the heck was going on?
I talked with the students, analyzed the commonalities and
differences between the guys who weren't making the
progresses and the guys who were…and I racked my brain.
After weeks of thinking, it hit me…
Some guys were just flat out SCARED to approach. We could
push them into set with the best material we had, stuff that
worked at least 80% of the time, even on the hottest of girls, but
after the program they just couldn't get themselves to approach.
Others guys could go in to the set, hook the interaction, get
attraction and get the girls laughing, but when it came time
to up the ante and begin even the slightest bits of sexual
escalation, they would freeze up. I'd talk with them and ask
them after the set "what happened there?" and they'd reply
the same way pretty much every time…"Rich, they were loving
me, I didn't want to blow it"
And still there was yet
another group of students as well.These were the guys who could spend
5 hours with a girlbuilding really deep rapport, sparking sexual attraction, and
even getting intensely physical…but when the end of the
night would come, they'd come away with nothing more than
maybe a flakey number.
On the surface, all of these situations seemed different from
one another. But beneath all of their struggles laid the same
exact problem.
They Were All Scared Of Rejection
How could it be? I'd given them literally the best tools
available. My method at the time was a hybrid of the best
the seduction community had to offer, with a few twists of my
own, implemented to smooth out the problems that existed
in the material that had preceded me.
But then it occurred to me. …
The method wasn't 100%. No method was.
There was a certain degree of
uncertainty to all of it.Sure, I was sleeping with model types .
Sure my 'girlfriend' at the time was an incredibly sensual
exotic dancer.
And sure, each week I was adding a notch or two to my belt.
But the truth is, I had to go through quite a few girls to find the
ones that were really ready to come home with me.
On an average night out, I'd work maybe 5 or 6 sets, really get in
with 3 of them, and then end up leaving with one of them. And for
me, this was
more than satisfactory.I was a guy who less than a year earlier couldn't even say
hito a girl.
And on top of that, as far as I knew, I was the best seducer around.
I was good friends with guys from a few other 'training' companies
out there, and from the looks of things, I had them beat by miles.
But this wasn't about me. And it wasn't about my competition.
It was about my students.
And I realized that, for the guys I was training, any method that
required them to go through 5 or 6 'blown' sets just wasn't going
to cut it.
Because look, getting rejected sucks - it doesn't feel very good.
But what's far worse is what it does to your confidence long term.
The effect of getting rejected is compounded by the fact that you
worked really hard to develop your skills and then when you put
them to use….you got
punished for it.7
This is textbook "classical conditioning".
You get punished for trying something which you thought
was going to work. Then it happens again.
And again, and before you know it you have a
really badfeeling about making the move when the time comes
.It becomes an invisible brick wall that you can't get past.
When I realized the phenomenon that was occurring – when
I realized that any type of game that would require a guy to
endure failure in order to reach rejection – wasn't going to
get the job done, I realized I had to create something new.
If I wanted EVERY one of my students to get the transformations
they deserved, I would have to create a tool set for my
students that would make success damn near 100%.
And to do this, I was going to have to get to the ROOT of
rejection, figure out why it was happening and then find a
way to get around it, over it or eliminate it completely.
My Quest For The Holy-Grail
Of Pickup…
I hit the field with a new sense of purpose. And a hunger that
I hadn't had since my first months in the game.
I was determined to engineer a solution that I could give to
my students.
I went back to my pickup roots –– Tiger Tiger, a popular pickup
nightclub in London where my journey originally began and
I began experimenting with new approaches to the game,
new ways of doing things.
If I wanted different results, I needed to be taking different
actions, so I began doing everything backwards – doing
opposite of the things that I, myself, and the seductioncommunity at large held as truths.
Approach sets high energy? I started approaching low.
Approach as a stranger asking for a question? I started
approaching as a friend , greeting them with simple statements.
Tell stories that convey attractive qualities? I started revealing
next to nothing
about myself.9
Create a deep emotional bond? I experimented with avoiding
it all costs.
And on and on it went.
Every rule there was in the game, I broke it. I had to see what
would happen, where it would lead me.
Did everything work? NO. Not by a long shot.
But every now and then there was a breakthrough. And when
that breakthrough came I would record it in my diary and
make sure I understood WHY it happened.
Night by night, week by week, and month by month…the
pieces came together.
Patterns emerged and new theories were born.
And after 8 months, I was getting there. After a year, it was
clear…I was onto something.
While a night out in the "old days" consisted of 6 sets before
the pull, I was down to about 3.
The first set might not go the way I wanted, maybe the second
wouldn't go that well either, but the third girl…she was mine.
A year earlier I would game a girl for 3 hours. Now, I was in
some cases, making out with girls just SECONDS after making
eye contact and then sleeping with them 20-30 minutes later.
I knew I was almost there and I decided that the only way to
keep pushing and developing the method to perfection was
to take my game to the high-class venues.
The environments where the hottest women roamed and the
chances of failure were highest.
I began frequenting the kinds of places where Leondardo
DiCaprio was my competition, and girls like Paris Hilton were
my targets.
And the rest…well…the rest as they say, is history.
Fast forward 2 years
I've figured it out.
To date, I've been banned by two separate high-end
establishments for "Coming in, taking all the girls and leaving…
without ever buying drinks" (I've since been unbanned with a
little smooth talking, but still!)
I've stolen girls from off the arms of BIG TIME celebrities here
in the UK.
I've slept with half the girls in one of the top strip clubs in all
of Europe.
But what's most important to me is that I've gotten my game
to the point where it's
pretty much 1 shot, 1 kill, get the girl. It'swhat I began searching for years ago.
Now, right up front, I'll come out and say it: NO ONE GETS
100% of the girls they approach, that's bullshit. And I don't
claim to be perfect.
But what I have done is engineered a new style of game
that is damn near close to perfect
, and when I talk to a womanin a bar or nightclub, it's usually a done deal.
And now, I'm ready to hand it over to my students.
If you think this sounds too good to be true, I get it. I understand.
Especially when you consider how many guys out there
say that you just have to take your lumps…that "pickup is a
numbers game."
Even some of my closest friends in the community, the guys
who have seen me pull model after model, thought I was
pulling their chain when I told them what I'd been working on
all this time.
So I'll tell you what I told them.
Consider the possibilitythat this might be true just long enough to make your way
through the content in this report
…and I will do two things.1.) I'll turn much of what you
thought you knew about gameon its head
2.) I'll prove to you that you really can game in a way that is
really so close to "rejection-proof", it's scary…
So let's begin…
The Truth About Rejection
When you really think about it, rejection itself comes down to
a simple 'yes' or 'no'
You make some sort of advance, some sort of an escalation,
and the woman either accepts or denies. If she accepts,
you keep going, if she denies, you've been rejected. This
starts with the first glance, before you even approach, and it
continues all the way until you're in bed.
If you look at the way this works, the power is all in the woman's
hands. She is the one making decisions about whether or not
things will go further, not you.
And that's not a good place to be.
The fastest way to reverse the situation, and gain the power
to literally take things forward whenever you want, is to
eliminate your "decision dependency".
What do I mean by this?
Well, if the root cause of all rejection is her decision to either
accept or deny one of your plays, then what you need to do
is to get rid of the root, or in other words - her decision in its
How is this possible?
Well...If you are never making a "play" she has no decision to
make. She can neither deny, nor reject you. And if you never
make a "play" from the beginning of the interaction, to the
end, she will at no point have a decision to make.
And with no decision to make, there is no chance of rejection.
But if you never make a play, you'll never get anywhere, right?
Of course.
The secret lies in making advances, plays, moves forward,
whatever you want to call them, in a way that is so 'stealth',
she doesn't even realize you're making them.
What I discovered is that there is a…
"Perceptual Escalation Threshold"
This is the point at which she realizes on a conscious level
that you are escalating, and is forced to make a decision.
It's like an alarm that goes off when she feels a certain gutlevel
of pressure.
Operate above the threshold, and you're toast.
Fly below the radar, and well…it's smooth sailing.
To date, nearly every pickup technique, tactic I've seen out
there operates ABOVE the threshold, meaning the women
can consciously perceive your advance, her rejection tripwire
goes off and she is forced to make a decision of "do I want
this to continue or not?"
And every method of pickup that operates in this realm is
subject to rejection or denial.
But, if you keep your game below the threshold, below her
"perceptual escalation threshold" she will not pick up on the
fact that you are escalating, and she will not object. It's as
simple as that.
It's much like cooking a frog (I know, I know…terrible example..)
When chefs boil a frog for dinner, they do not crank up the
heat, and throw the little guy into the water. Why not? He'll
jump out just as soon as he hits the water. Nor do they put
him in the water and quickly ratchet up the heat. He'll just
jump out.
Instead, the way it's done is that they ever so slowly turn the
dial up in a way where the frog has no idea the temperature
of water is changing. It's below his perceptual threshold, and
he simply can't perceive the change that is occurring.
No escape is attempted and the frog is dinner.
Or another way of looking at it….
Think about a normal day. You wake up and it's bright out but
as the day goes on, it gets darker.
The crazy thing is though, it just sort of happens. You don't
realize it happening. At no single point can you say "there, it
just got darker!"…it happens way too gradually. The only time
you realize that things have changed is when you go outside
and think "damn, how the heck did that happen?"
That's the power of change below the perceptual threshold.
And that's the power of the method of seduction I have
developed over the course of the past 3 years.
Are you beginning to see what this can mean for your game?
And how if you can keep your advances below her perceptual
threshold, decision-dependency disappears because she is
never even aware that a decision needs to be made?
And how if her rejection-reflex is never activated, you literally
have the power to take things wherever YOU want them to
Good. So now that we understand this principle,
the quest becomes "how do we put this into action
in the field to get real, verifiable,
solid results?"And the answer that question lies in the method that I've
developed. A method that I call…
Stealth Attraction
What is Stealth Attraction? Put simply, it's a radical new
approach to playing the game. It's a step-by-step method
built on the premise that Seduction should no longer be just
a "numbers game," that when game is run properly, rejection
should seldom, if ever occur.
It takes you from first glance all the way through the close,
leaving nothing to chance.
With Stealth Attraction, the 9's and 10's that used to turn their
backs to you before you even said 'hi', end up in your bed.
The situations that used to most difficult or most 'scary' are
now child's play.
The primary principle, which drives the method is the one
I just shared with you; it's the concept of removing even
possibility of rejection all together, by taking away the"decision-dependency" and returning the power in the
interaction to its rightful owner – YOU.
Above, you can see the
Stealth Attraction Model or the SAM.I am currently working on a video I will soon be releasing that
walks you through it, in its entirety.
But for now, familiarize yourself with the concept of "Perceptual
thresholds" and the next two principles I will be sharing with you
The reason I want you to understand the material in this
report before taking you through the model is so that when I
do walk you through, you have a total understanding of why
everything works.
Again, the video should be ready for you in a few days, but
before you go through it, there are two more concepts you
should have a look at.
The first of these concepts is one that I call…
The Pattern Recognition Principle
There's an old saying,
"If it talks like a duck, and it walks like a duck…it must be…a
Uh….ok? First we're talking about boiling frogs and now ducks?
Stick with me here, I'll explain…
Women are smart. They've been hit on thousands upon thousands
of times. And they KNOW what it looks like and FEELS like when a
guy is hitting on them. How can they not?
Take any of the world's top Pickup Artists, guys who have done
10,000+ approaches, and
still these women have more referenceexperiences when it comes to pickup.
And you know what this means? Women can smell a pickup attempt
from a mile away and most of them are NOT successful. So women
develop certain 'patterns' that they run to shut guys down.
They developed them years ago, but if you play the game like the
other guys that she's shut down (and yes, a very high percentage
of pickup stuff out there falls into this category…) then she's going
to recognize what you are doing as a "pickup pattern" and she is
going to run her "anti-pickup" pattern or "rejection pattern".
Now, I've extensively studied NLP, so I throw the term pattern around
like everyone knows what it is.
Basically, a pattern is a set of behaviours that happens
automatically, in response to a stimulus. So a woman has
this problem of guys she doesn't want hitting on her, so she
develops a behavioural pattern for dealing it – and it works.
Then, the next guy tries to hit on her the same way, she runs
it again, and she is rewarded for it. Now she's got a behaviour
So when a guy approaches her with an opener like "Hey, I've
got a quick question" immediately she snaps out of whatever
behavioral pattern she was running and she starts running
the "this guy is going to pick me up" pattern. And not just any
one, but specifically it's her "this guy is trying to pick me up
by asking me an unrelated pattern" question.
Now, let me be clear – this does not guarantee you an
automatic rejection. It varies by girl. Some girls like to play
with the guy a little bit, just to have some fun before they
dispose of him. Others like to act really cold and bitchy, to
see what he's going to do.
The key thing to take away here is this….
When you do whatother guys have done in the past, when you do what she
expects, she slots you into a category.
And that category is "guy trying to pick me up". And this puts
the ball in her court.
She now has the power. She now has a decision to make and
that decision is : "This guy clearly wants to sleep with me…do
I want to, or not?"
And if she doesn't want to sleep with you at that point in time,
before she learns anything more about you, that's the end.
And this is not where you want to be.
Again, one of the fundamental underlying principles of
Stealth Attraction is that we remove these decision making
instances and when we do this, we remove her ability to
reject you.
So how do we handle her Pattern Recognitions?
There are many ways. I will now present you with two.
The first is you can…
Run A Pattern COUNTER To
What She Expects
When a woman is expecting a certain response, behaviour
or action on your part, one that she knows 99% of guys will
run, you can increase arousal, and completely avoid forcing a
rejection decision, by running the opposite behaviour.
It would take 50 pages to explain all of the contexts and
situations in which this works but let's just use an example
that can come up in a conversation.
So you're talking to a woman and she lets you know that she
is a nurse.
Aw….how nice.
What do you think 99% of guys do in this situation? They start
faking empathy, acting interested, telling her how sweet it is
that she's a nurse. How most girls don't have much going for
them but this girl, she's special, because she's a nurse. Now
look, even if this is true, if she's a hot girl (and you
do want tobe getting the hotties…right?) then she's heard what you're
about to say literally thousands of times.
And when you feed her back the pattern that every lousy
guy who has tried to pick her up in the past has used, she
immediately labels you in her mind. Now sure, complimenting
a girl for being a nurse is NOT going to get you smacked.
In fact, you might be just fine at the end of the day. But it
raises the chances that you're one step closerto her excusing herself to "go to the bathroom".
Why? Because you're now on her "rejection radar". She knows
you're trying to pick her up, and when this happens she must
make a decision, and as I've pointed out over and over again,
this is NOT what we want.
What to do instead?
Give her what she least expects.
Give her the opposite of what everyone else has given her.
You might in this situation respond "A nurse, really? That's a
shame…I was hoping you were a stripper. Plenty of other girls
in here for me, I suppose!"
You smile. She laughs.
And her attraction for you has just spiked. Now, this style
of humor is part of the "conversation control" portion of the
Stealth Attraction Method and I'm going to be teaching you
how and why it works in the future.
But the important thing to take away from this example here
is the way in which she was expecting something and you
gave her something completely different.
Most guys get slotted into the 'boring pickup attempt' category.
This leads to the woman asking her in mind, "Am I going to
sleep with him or not?"
You on the other hand, have just shaken her up a little bit and
she's now even more attracted. Her acceptance/rejection
decision making process is put at bay and you continue on
with the interaction
Another way you can use the "Pattern Recognition Principle"
is to covertly categorize yourself as someone she already
knows, likes or trusts, and get her to respond to you as such.
To do this you..
Run A Pattern that Is Pleasurable
And/Or Familiar To Her
The principle here is that while there are countless negative
patterns she has associated with guys who have approached
her in the past, and if you repeat their behaviours, you get slotted
as one of them and her resistance goes through the roof…
There are also familiar patterns to her that she enjoys.
For example, behaviours, facial expressions and situations
which she strongly associates with positive people in her life.
If you feed her these patterns, she will run her corresponding
OPEN patterns, where her guard is down, she trusts you, likes
you and feels like she knows you.
It's sort of like a wolf sneaking around in sheep's skin. (Though
not nearly as evil)
One application of this principle is on the approach.
Just about every "approach" advocated by the community
is more or less the same. Sure, sometimes you go in 'direct'
and other times you go 'indirect'. But by and large it's all
the same because at the end of the day you are "Stranger
Approaching Girl".
And that first glance you give her, the first few footsteps –
you're done.
You're a stranger. She's a stranger. She runs the stranger
response, and sure, she might like you, but its still an
uphill battle…one that usually results in rejection
So what to do instead? Well, she's got a stranger response,
but at the same time she also has a "Friend" response.
What if you were able to feed her the "I know you" pattern,
the one that you would run if you were good friends with
her and you were seeing her for the first time in a while?
What do you think would happen? If you answered "she'd
immediately let her guard down and be completely open
to you…", then you're absolutely right.
In fact, a crucial part of the opening process in the
Stealth Attraction method is just this. You run the "I know
you" pattern on her, combining body language, facial
expressions, and even familiar conversational bits, and
she unconsciously begins to run the "I know this guy"
pattern back.
This bypasses her rejection pattern and gets you right into
the later stages of the interaction, in just the blink of an eye.
Truth be told, there are quite a few pieces to getting this
process to work smoothly, and it's better demonstrated on
camera, but this should give you enough right here to start
thinking not only about how you can avoid running patterns
that elicit rejection responses and resistance, but also how
you can run alternative patterns that serve you by assigning
a role to you that is both pleasurable and familiar to her.
The final concept that I want to cover in this report is what I
"The Effort Effect"
And it's a big one. The "effort effect" principle states that the
higher your perceived level of effort output, the higher your
chances of rejection/dismissal.
If I were to set up a camera in any bar or night club, and
film guys talking with women, without any sound at all,
I'd be able to tell within 30 seconds or so, which guys
were getting laid that night and which guys were going
home alone.
How? By paying particular attention the amount of effort each
guy in the room is exerting. Or in other words, how much work
he is doing to hold the attention and interest of the woman
he is interacting with. This is something that's very easily
discernible through body language and movement alone.
And if you add in the verbals, its almost impossible to miss.
The more work you are doing, the higher the chance that
the girl you are gaming will leave or reject you.
Why is this? There are actually two reasons.
The first reason it is so important to keep your perceived
effort low is because effort telegraphs interest and when you
do this, you are basically saying to her "look…I want you, do
you want me?"
And when this happens, she is forced to make decision. The
pickup becomes decision-dependent and she gains control
over what happens between the two of you.
On the other hand, when you keep your effort low, she is kept
in a state of limbo. She can't quite figure out if you're into her
and in this situation, she cannot choose to either accept or
reject you, because no deal is on the 'table' so to speak...
The second reason you should maintain a low level of
perceived effort is that a large part of man's perceived value
is inversely related to the effort he exerts in gaining a woman's
When you exhibit a high degree of effort or work, before you
sleep with a woman, you are conveying low value. It's a low
value characteristic. Only men of low value work hard for
And when you convey low value behaviors, she starts thinking
to herself "I don't want to be around this guy.."
It's that feeling of "ew, who is this person…get him away from me."
Similar to how you might feel if a fat pimply girl with BO was
chatting you up in the club.
I discovered the relationship between value and effort when
I began hanging out with a guy in London who is notorious for
being a womanizer. He has slept with Lindsay Lohan and countless
other incredibly desirable celebrities. This guy is the real deal.
When I first started seeing him around, I was blown away. He
would literally lay back in his seat, pay no attention the women
around him, and text all night on his cell phone. One by one
the women would approach him, try to get his attention, but
he'd usually be too busy or caught up in what he was doing.
Did this guy have other things going for him? YES. BUT his
attractiveness was AMPLIFIED by the low amount of effort he
was exerting.
You see, value is value, no doubt about it. A rich, famous,
good looking guy with wit, charm and funny things to say
is going to be attractive BUT there is another factor which
comes into play and that is the level of value he is exerting.
The lower his perceived effort, the higher his perceived value.
This is one of the major reasons why so much of the stuff
that's out there just flat out doesn't work. Sure it might seem
like a good idea to tell 15 jokes and stories about your little
sister and tales of rescuing cats from trees, but at the end of
the day, as impressive as those stories may be, the effect of
exerting perceivable
effort far outweighs any benefits thatthose stories might bring.
While the relationship between value and effort is incredibly
important, and just knowing this alone can improve your
game by leaps and bounds… what's important to remember
is that Stealth Attraction works largely by flying low beneath
a woman's "rejection radars". When you are seen as trying,
she views herself as the object that you are seeing and when
this happens, she is forced to make a decision..
"He wants to sleep with me…is he worth it? Should I accept
And as we know, when you put the decision making power in
her hands, ultimately the choice is hers.
Instead, in this new model of pickup, we focus on exhibiting
large amounts of value WITHOUT exerting much effort. In this
way she observes that we are high value, but our value is not
being directed at her through various behaviours and actions
that require large amounts of work.
In this way, we convey that we are high value, but we are not
allowing her the chance to make a yes/no decision.
When you put large amounts of work in, when you display
large amounts of effort, your cards are on the table so to
speak. Why else would you put the work in? And when she
sees the cards down on the table, it then becomes her choice
whether she wants to stay at the table and keep playing or
get up and walk away.
Conversely, when the effort isn't there, you're not showing
your hand. And as long as you're not showing your hand,
you're in good shape
Where We've Been…Where
We're Going…
Wow, we've made it to the end of the Rejection Report.
What it a journey it's been. But the end, my friend, is just the
Here's what I mean..
You now understand that rejection occurs when a woman
is forced to make a (yes/no) decision and that by gradually
escalating in a manner that is below her "perceptual escalation
threshold" you avoid setting off her decision-making trigger,
and your advances are accepted.
You also understand how acting like "every other guy out there"
triggers the (yes/no) decision in her mind and you have a few working
examples that show you how to
AVOID falling into this trap and howyou can even exploit her pattern recognition to create instant trust
and likability.
Finally, you understand that by keeping your perceived effort levels
low (while simultaneously keeping your value high) you can go
through the interaction without triggering the yes/no decision that
the average guy forces upon her, without even realizing it.
Now you are ready for…
The Stealth Attraction Model

In the coming days I will be releasing more material that explains
Stealth Attraction
and how you can use it to literally unlock a levelof game that previously wasn't even thought to exist.
And don't worry, if any of the concepts in this report seemed difficult
or complex, I promise you…
it gets much, much simpler from here.35
Sure the principles are a little complex, but heck, that's why
no one has figured this stuff out!
Until now...
The great part about the method itself, is that its largely
technique and tactic based, meaning "first do this, then do
that". So when you're in the field putting this stuff to use, it
will be very easy to do.
Listen to me when I say, Stealth Attraction truly is the next
level of game.
And what you've learned in this report is JUST THE BEGINNING.
Be on the lookout for the next video. It should be available in
a few days.
If you enjoyed this report, and I hope you did, please, leave a
comment for us on the blog. I've worked hard to develop this
method…it's taken years…and I'd love to hear your thoughts.
If a friend has passed this report along to you and you'd like to
make sure you get access to the material we'll be releasing, go
to and join the Stealth AttractionUpdate List.
That's it for now. Take what you've learned from this report
and apply it in the field…and I'll be in touch with more great
content for you soon
Richard La Ruina (Gambler)